Saturday, July 16, 2011

Only Kentucky Stupid Enough to Pay $40 Million for Flintstone Truther Park

Make no mistake: this is entirely the fault of Cowardly Waste of Oxygen Steve Beshear, who is running for re-election by pandering to freakazoid conservatards who will never, ever vote for him.

From the Herald:

Originators of a proposed biblical theme park that would include a full-size replica of Noah's Ark had considered sites in Indiana, Missouri and Ohio but ultimately chose to build in Kentucky because of the state's generous package of tax incentives, one of the developers said.

Mike Zovath, co-founder of the Answers in Genesis ministry that previously built the Creation Museum in Kentucky, told The Associated Press that the state's offer of tax incentives worth more than $40 million was too good for the newly created Ark Encounters LLC to pass up.

"We weren't sure where we going to build until the state of Kentucky approved the incentives," Zovath said. "Until then, it was still up in the air."

Read the whole disgusting thing.

Then read Media Czech's blanket coverage of the Flintstone Truther Park here.

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