Sunday, July 17, 2011

Don't Get Mad; Get Ridiculing

Those Pastafarians take themselves so seriously.

PZ Myers:

Austria has a reasonable requirement that driving license photos show the person's face without cluttering adornment — which seems fair enough, given that it will be used as ID. Unfortunately, they have an exemption for "confessional reasons", whatever that means, which is apparently that having a superstition allows you to wear whatever the heck you want in your ID photo.

So Niko Alm tested that by donning special headgear — a colander — and insisting that it was a symbol of his religion, Pastafarianism. They conceded it, and now he's driving around with a wacky photo on his license.

The only thing that wasn't fairly done here is that the authorities required that he submit to a psychological evaluation to determine if he was sane enough to drive. Do they do that to every person who insists on wearing a yamulke or turban or hijab or pope hat or squid on their head? I think they should.

Well, except for the squid. That's perfectly normal.

Liberals say everyone can publicly display any personal idiocy they like, but government has no business promoting or subsidizing it.

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