Saturday, June 4, 2011

Why Is This Admitted Fraudulent Voter Not in Jail?

Because he's white, male, rich* and republican, of course.

Via Steve Benen:

Rep. Todd Akin (R) is planning to run for the Senate in Missouri, but first has to overcome a new controversy — he’s been living in one district, but voting in another. “I don’t think there is a crime,” Akin said yesterday, which isn’t exactly a strong line to take.

From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch:

U.S. Rep. Todd Akin raised his family on a sprawling homestead in this St. Louis County burg, where a modest home now sits among a collection of weathered sheds. Earlier this month, old newspapers had accumulated in the long driveway that separates the property from surrounding suburban mansions.

About 18 miles west, the Republican congressman and his wife own a secluded ranch house near the county line in Wildwood. On a recent afternoon, Akin's Chevrolet Blazer was parked out front, and a dog sat in the driveway.

Which house is Akin's official residence?

Akin's office says he lives in Wildwood. Tax documents show Akin lives in Wildwood. Akin has been telling people since 2009 that he lives in Wildwood.

But the congressman has continued to vote in Town and Country, according to voting records.

Akin has cast a ballot in Town and Country 10 times since he and his wife, Lulli, purchased the Wildwood home at the end of 2007. Most recently, he voted in the April municipal election in Town and Country.

Both addresses are within Akin's 2nd Congressional District. But the law says voters must cast their ballots in the specific jurisdiction where they live.

Akin, who this month launched a bid for U.S. Senate, declined several interview requests to talk about where he lives and votes. A spokesman said he wasn't sure when in the last three or so years Akin actually moved.
Rethuglicans work nonstop to pass nonsense laws that require certain voters to have photo ID, fingerprint checks, drug tests and a cavity search. (No, not yet, but would you bet money it won't happen?) Not to mention personal intimidation at polling places, challenging the right to vote of anyone who doesn't look republican. All to prevent non-white, young, female or poor people from voting. Because they vote Democratic.

They claim illegal aliens, terrists, muslins, commies and other dusky types are flooding polling places to vote illegally, despite the virtual absence of any evidence of such voter fraud.

Meanwhile, the rethuglicans engage in every possible type of election fraud by disenfranchising Democratic voters. And yes, there are tons of proof of exactly that happening everywhere rethuglicans have control of state election laws.

Now we have proof - a confession, no less - that rethuglicans also engage in the voter fraud they falsely claim Democrats engage in.

I think it's pretty clear now that only one party is engaging in illegal voting behavior, and it is not the Democratic Party.

* Members of Congress earn more than $170,000 per year - more than triple the median U.S. income.

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