Saturday, June 4, 2011

How GOP Medicare Cuts Will Affect Your District

Of course the GOP is not proposing to "cut" Medicare; repugs are proposing to eliminate Medicare and replace it with vouchers. Vouchers too small to cover your health care.

Now House Democrats have broken down the GOP plan by district so you can see exactly how repug vouchers would work where you live.

From TPM:

House Democrats have broken down the massive changes to Medicare and Medicaid proposed by the House GOP into a convenient take home size.

Democratic Reps. Henry Waxman (CA) and Frank Pallone (NJ), voters can now see what Democrats say is the direct impact of the Republican plan to turn Medicare into a voucher system on every congressional district in the country.

Waxman and Pallone have set up an interactive map that allows viewers to pop open a report on the impact of the Medicare change on the population in their community.

Democrats have said the Medicare plan is their ticket to potentially retaking the House, and projects like this will help them spread that message on the ground.

In a letter to their colleagues on the Energy And Commerce Committee the pair sent along with the new district-by-district impact map, Waxman and Pallone lay into the plan and say their new district project makes their case that the Medicare plan is a bad idea. A separate map breaks down the impact of Medicaid cuts in the Republican proposal on every district.

"The Republican's budget would end Medicare as we know it. It also slashes Medicaid programs that cover millions of seniors in nursing homes and provide basic coverage for tens of millions of children," they write. "These Republican proposals would have a devastating impact on every congressional district in the country for generations to come."
Click here for the map.

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