Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Rand Paul Wants Himself Deported

I have neglected the Rand Paul beat, partly because it's too embarrassing and depressing, and partly because he's just another repug attention whore, willing to say or do anything for publicity.

Fortunately, Media Czech keeps a close watch on Mr. Tribble Head:

Rand Paul, fearless defender of Liberty from having its door bashed in by government thugs and drug away, told Sean Hannity on Friday that if you attend a speech by a "radical" promoting the violent overthrow of the government you should be put in jail or deported:


That's certainly an interesting point of view by Rand.

Made all the more interesting by the fact that Rand Paul attended, even spoke at, a rally where militia members holding assault rifles advocated the violent overthrow of the government and execution of liberal journalists. You know, the same militia that is good buddies with the Hutaree out of Michigan that where arrested for plotting just that.
Hear the tape, watch the video and read the whole thing.

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