Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Damned If They Do, Damned If They Don't

Last night Congressional repugs pulled a Stupid Dems Trick that might or might not lead to total financial catastrophe.

But the big lesson here is for Democratic officials and candidates who still think there's something they can do to make repugs like them.

Steve Benen:

As for nervous Democrats, who were split on the House floor yesterday, it’s worth noting that the National Republican Congressional Committee issued two kinds of press releases after the vote: one attacked Democrats who voted for the Republican bill, the other attacked Democrats who voted against the Republican bill. The Dems who sided with the GOP were smeared as cowardly hypocrites; the Dems who sided against the GOP labeled “brazen kings of debt” who want to “make the problem worse.”

I hope congressional Democrats notice this, because it’s a reminder that appeasing Republicans doesn’t work. The GOP is going to attack no matter what they do, so Dems might as well do the right thing, because Republicans will try to smear them either way.
Read that again:

The GOP is going to attack no matter what they do, so Dems might as well do the right thing, because Republicans will try to smear them either way.

Have you talked to your Democratic neighbors today?

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