Friday, June 10, 2011

Not That Anyone in D.C. Gives A Shit

OK, Indefatigable Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders cares. But nobody else.

Jon Walker at Firedoglake:

With our political leaders foolishly insistent on focusing on the issue of long term deficits at a time of high unemployment, it would be nice if they at least acknowledged that regular Americans basically only support left leaning ideas to bring down the debt. From Pew:

The only non-progressive idea that has plurality support is reducing US assistance to foreign countries. But given that much of our “foreign assistance” goes to causes like propping up our corrupt allies, indirect funding for our wars, promoted the failed war on drugs, etc… most progressives would probably be happy eliminate large section of spending on programs that most people consider part of “foreign assistance.”

The other top four ideas with majority support include two ways of raising taxes on the rich, making corporations pay more in taxes, and reducing military spending/ending our wars.

An the other hand majorities opposing cutting education, Social Security or help to low income Americans.

Less war, more progressive taxation, and no cuts to the social safety net. It is like the whole country is full of DFH.
You bet your ass. We're all Dirty Fucking Hippies.

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