Friday, June 10, 2011

Liberal Jujitsu

Planned Parenthood of North Texas (Dallas area), surrounded by enemies and faithless political "friends" on all sides, facing attack by the most despicable and growing segment of the misogynist, sex-terrified, anti-contraceptive death cult, turned to fight.

And won.

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This idea is not new, especially in defense of choice. I supported abortion rights in South Dakota by pledging a donation toward an abortion fund for every anti-choice protester during a legislative fight two years ago.

It's effective because it turns the intimidation tactics of the reactionaries against them. Facing a teabagger rally in your hometown? Publicize everywhere that you will accept per-teabagger pledges to be donated to some local liberal cause that will make teabagger heads explode. Make sure they know how much money each and every one of them is causing to be contributed to causes they despise.

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