Tuesday, June 14, 2011

KY Cops Waiting for Tooth Fairy to Win Drug War

I thought the Massive Failure known as the DARE program was the stupidest fucking effort in the drug war to date, but this tops them all.

From the Herald:

A group of officers who enforce man's law called on a higher power Monday might to help with Eastern Kentucky's devastating drug problem.

Several Christian police officers led a prayer meeting in Hazard, seeking God's help and urging Christians in the crowd to witness to their neighbors and co-workers in an effort to turn the tide of drug abuse one soul at a time.

"I pray that the healing starts tonight," Joe Engle, deputy police chief in Hazard, said during a sermon punctuated by "amens" from the crowd.

Chris Fugate, a narcotics officer with the Kentucky State Police who helped arrange the service, said the event should not be seen as any criticism of the work he and other police do to arrest drug dealers. He said he is proud of that work and believes it has made a difference.

Rather, the event was an acknowledgment that the problem is bigger than police, prosecutors, courts, jails and treatment centers can handle, Fugate said.
Wow. If that's the official position of law enforcement, I can pretty much guarantee that the drug problem in eastern Kentucky is never going to get solved.

Shame on you, Chris Fugate of the Kentucky State Police. Shame on you, Joe Engle, deputy police chief of Hazard, Kentucky.

But congratulations to Bill Estep of the Herald, who took a photograph that pretty much sums up the pathetic stupidity of public officials expecting an invisible sky wizard to do their jobs for them.

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