Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Head-Stomping Paul Supporter Gets Probation, Despite Video Proof and Semi-Confession

I don't give a fuck what your lawyer says; an Alford plea is a confession without tears.

From the Herald:

A former campaign volunteer for U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., was sentenced Monday to serve a year on probation and pay $600 in restitution for his role in an assault last October outside a Senate debate in Lexington.

Timothy Profitt's lawyer entered an Alford plea on his behalf in Fayette District Court to misdemeanor assault. An Alford plea means Profitt did not admit guilt but acknowledged that there is sufficient evidence to convict him.

Profitt, formerly of Paris, did not attend Monday's hearing and since has moved away from Central Kentucky, said his attorney, Michael Dean.

"I don't want to say where he lives now because he was getting a lot of harassment for a while," Dean said.

The assault, captured on video and shown nationally, occurred outside the KET studios on Cooper Drive after Paul arrived to debate his Democratic opponent, Attorney General Jack Conway.

Lauren Valle, an activist with the liberal advocacy group MoveOn.org, tried to get close to Paul to present him with a mock award. After Paul supporters wrestled Valle to the ground, Profitt stepped on her shoulder and neck. Profitt later said he feared the woman was going to attack Paul.

Valle reported suffering a minor concussion, bruising, soreness and a sprained arm as a result.
I suppose we should be grateful his beaten victim wasn't charged with attempted murder and sentenced to life.

Media Czech nails it:

Good news, violent thugs. Stomping on a defenseless woman's head may cost you $600, but you won't serve any jail time.


Today is certainly a victory for the feet of all grown men with bad backs who are viciously attacked by the head of a defenseless woman being held down by another man, especially when it is in defense of a candidate who is 20 yards away.

Let Freedom ring, WMLP's! Remember, it's OK to curbstomp a defenseless woman if they were wearing a wig at some point that evening. It's in the Constitution, look it up.
Read MC's past coverage, including the incriminating videos, here.

Oh, and Courier? This was not a "scuffle." This was a deliberate, vicious assault on a peacefully demonstrating U.S. citizen, the purpose of which assault was to terrorize that citizen and all others from criticizing the assaulter's chosen candidate, or any other candidate approved by White Male Liberty Patriots.

Fuck Godwin, because that is how the Nazis did it, and how fascists still do it all over the world.

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