Saturday, May 21, 2011

No More Labor for Faux Democrats

Yet another reason for liberals and other Real Democrats to stop waiting for Daddy Democrat to rescue us, and get out there organizing house by house, voter by voter in our own neighborhoods.

From TPM:

Watch out, Democrats, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said on Friday. Your buddies in organized labor are looking to expand the friendship circle.

Trumka's speech at the National Press Club, billed as a major address by the union, recast the union's connection to politics as a year-round, national affair -- rather than the election-focused, battleground state strategy of the past. Trumka warned Democrats that labor would not always be at their side, suggesting more of the primary battles like the unsuccessful one that labor backed against former Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) last year.

Trumka's main message to politicians, after a year in which labor has battled broad-based attacks in state legislatures across the country, was a simple one: you're either with us or you're against us.

"It doesn't matter if candidates and parties are controlling the wrecking ball or simply standing aside--the outcome is the same either way," he said in prepared remarks that he veered little from during the address. "If leaders aren't blocking the wrecking ball and advancing working families' interests, working people will not support them."

Trumka's remarks as prepared for delivery here.

Have you talked to your Democratic neighbors today?


  1. Hey, progressive, I got this right wingnut email that a cloture vote on the Patriot Act is supposed to happen 5 pm Monday because your Junior Senator was supposed to be out of DC that day. Care to let your various reps know you don't want it to be extended 4 years?

  2. Or you could use these to contact your reps:

    Didn't mean to give you C4L's form.
