Saturday, May 21, 2011

Live by Repug Support; Die By Repug Support

Looks like Cowardly Waste of Oxygen Steve Beshear is still following his script for How to Lose Re-election to the Most Hated Man in Kentucky.

From the Herald:

The Democratic re-election campaign of Gov. Steve Beshear rolled out the names of 70 Republicans Friday who endorse him and said more names will be forthcoming.

The move by Beshear came on the eve of Saturday’s Republican unity rally at party headquarters in Frankfort.

Friday’s list of Republicans for Beshear and his running mate, former Louisville Mayor Jerry Abramson, included former Lt. Gov. Steve Pence, former Lexington Vice Mayor and restaurateur Michael Scanlon, several mayors and Jon Ackerson, a Louisville Metro Council member and a former state representative and GOP chairman of Jefferson County.

Haha, very funny, how cute. Until you remember that the reason Kentucky Democratic candidates, with their 2-1 registration advantage, keep losing to repugs is that many Kentuckians registered as "Democratic" either vote repug or stay home in disgust at their candidates' blatant public sucking of repug cock.

Repugs, registered and otherwise, always turn out to vote and always vote for the repug candidate, no matter how much they hate him/her. I'm highly skeptical of the predictions that teabaggers will demonstrate their dissatisfaction with Williams/Farmer by either staying home or voting for independent Gatewood Galbraith. That's what Democratic voters do.

Yeah, touting your repug support is sure a great way to get those stay-at-home dems fired up for your campaign, there, guv.

Media Czech has more insight.

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