Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Simple Answers to Naive Questions

Ari Berman in The Nation writes "Why President Obama is losing the budget fight."

Ari, sweetie: you of all people know that Obama is not losing the budget fight. He's getting exactly what he wants: massive tax cuts for the rich, free passes from prosecution for corporations, catastrophic cuts in social spending and a democratic electorate so shell-shocked they won't even notice him eliminate Medicare and Social Security on Wednesday.

At TPM, Josh Marshall writes:

I'm not convinced yet that this was quite the defeat for the president that a lot of people are claiming.
No, Josh - this was not a defeat for the president at all. It was a victory for him. The defeat was for the 99 percent of Americans who are not already obscenely wealthy. But nobody in Washington with any power gives a flying fuck about us.

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