Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Let's Just Adopt Repug Tactics

See, liberals have been going about this all wrong. Using facts and real numbers and logic and reasoning apparently makes no impression whatsoever on Obama and congressional democrats.

Repugs, however, get whatever they want - no matter how horrific and destructive - by making ludicrous threats that nobody with a grain of sense believes.

Liberals should adopt this tactic: make empty threats that would embarrass a kindergartner while demanding monster, nation-transforming budget revisions.

"Raise taxes on all income over 1 million dollars to 90 percent and force corporations to pay full taxes - no loopholes - on income for the past 20 years, or .... we'll tell everybody that you eat boogers!"

"Replace the Affordable Care Act with Medicare for All, to be funded by a one-time 100 percent windfall tax on Big Pharma and Big Insurance, or ..... we'll make fun of the way you dance!"

"Cancel all tax breaks and subsidies for all fossil fuel, nukes and ethanol, and use that money for a breakneck renewable energy Manhattan Project to make the U.S. carbon-free in 10 years, or .... we'll give you a wedgie you'll never forget!"

"Cancel all other tax breaks and subsidies for corporations and use that money to create 10 million jobs rebuilding the nation's infrastructure, or .... "we'll tell on you!"

Hey, it works for Boehner.

At the very least, it might teach Obama that the proper response to empty threats is not pleading "I'll give you whatever you want, just don't do that!" but rather laughing derisively and saying "Go ahead."

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