Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"Our Cowardly Political Class"

Tom B at They Gave Us A Republic has the Rant of the Year:

The following is sourced from an Truthdig article by Chris Hedges: Power Concedes Nothing Without a Demand

That article pretty much lays bare our own failures in refusing to stand up not for what America is today but for what it used to be and our compromise and/or capitulate political philosophy in the face of the corporate takeover of the country.

Progressives and Liberals are bound and determined to learn the hard way that when you're dealing with a pack of ravening jackals intent only on having your ass for lunch, there can BE no compromise. They don't want a fourth or half or even three quarters of your ass, they want the whole damned thing and indeed feel that they are more entitled to own your ass than you are.

Compromise is a tool of the weak and the strong have no respect or regard for it. You either get up on your hind legs and kick them square in the nuts or you might as well drag out the silver platter and put your ass... your WHOLE ass... on it and let your congress whore or state governor serve it to them.

The liberal class is discovering what happens when you tolerate the intolerant. Let hate speech pollute the airways. Let corporations buy up your courts and state and federal legislative bodies. Let the Christian religion be manipulated by charlatans to demonize Muslims, gays and intellectuals, discredit science and become a source of personal enrichment. Let unions wither under corporate assault. Let social services and public education be stripped of funding. Let Wall Street loot the national treasury with impunity. Let sleazy con artists use lies and deception to carry out unethical sting operations on tottering liberal institutions, and you roll out the welcome mat for fascism.

And that's exactly what we've done.

I'm not going to say that we're getting what we asked for or that we deserve what we get because goddammit I didn't ask for it and I'm not about to feel like I deserve it.

WE... and I'm talking about the more than half of us who actually voted AGAINST what we're getting now... or thought we did anyway... didn't decide "bipartisanship", compromise and capitulation were the way to go in dealing with the mindless water carriers for Corporate spawned Fascism. Our leaders... again whom over half of us voted for precisely because they promised to stand up and fight AGAINST the kind of takeover we're witnessing today... decided that for us. WE didn't have a f**king word to say about it.

I don't give a goddamn whether or not it's good politics to roll over and play dead every time the corporate machine and their whining little sycophants in what's supposed to be OUR congress decide to steamroller another facet of our democracy. It may BE good politics... at least by someone's lights... but it's goddamned lousy governance and we need governance a hell of a lot worse than we need politics right now.
Read the whole beautiful thing.

1 comment:

  1. RIGHT ON ALL THE WAY, MAN! We have accepyed too much and been batted around far too long by corporate conservative Republicans and timid DINOs! It is high time we, the TRUE MAJORITY, form a PEOPLE'S PARTY faction to get the Democrats back on course. So much for "neo-liberalism"---in my book, it has failed the American worker and the public at large miserably. NO MORE SCOTT WALKERS! NO MORE REPUBLICANS!!!
