Monday, March 14, 2011

Help Big Ass Fans Bring Iraq Donkey to America

Big Ass Fans is a local Lexington manufacturer that is doing well, even in this recession. They also have a good sense of humor, illustrated by the name and their logo image of the rear end of a donkey.

In 2008, Bluegrass Field, the Lexington Airport, rejected the company's proposed sign "Welcome to Lexington, Home of Big Ass Fans" and the company ridiculed the decision in a press release. Since then the company and the airport have reached an accommodation, but the incident stands as a reminder that Lexington is not quite as cosmopolitan as some of us would like to believe.

But now, Lexingtonians, Kentuckians and Big Ass Fans fans worldwide can show their apprection by helping Big Ass Fans bring a donkey from Iraq to the United States.

For years, Lexington-based Big Ass Fans has provided financial support to a Colorado donkey shelter as a tribute to the company's mascot, Fanny. Now the company is taking it a step further. It plans to help pay for the rescue of a donkey that befriended American soldiers in Iraq and is destined to become a therapy pet for families of military members who were wounded or killed in battle.

Smoke, as the donkey is called, was malnourished when he was adopted by military personnel based near Fallujah in August 2008, said retired Col. John Folsom, who founded and leads Wounded Warriors Family Support.

Folsom said soldiers would send photos of Smoke to their children, and the smoky-gray donkey would get care packages and fan mail from the kids.

Follow Smoke the donkey on twitter here.

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