Saturday, February 19, 2011

Rick Scott Sells Out Kentucky to Big Pharma

Yep, the same Big Health Care corporate criminal who bought the Florida governorship and is now systematically dismantling what little remains of 20th-century civilization there, is paying back his Big Pharma buddies by cancelling a program that reduces drug addiction in states like Kentucky.

Bill Estep at the Herald:

Florida must not back away from implementing a monitoring system to help cut the flow of pills from its pain clinics that are feeding addiction and death in Kentucky and other states, U.S. Rep. Harold Rogers has told Florida's governor.

In a strongly worded letter, Rogers told Republican Gov. Rick Scott that Florida has become a key source of illegally diverted pills for Appalachia and the entire East Coast.

"Governor, your state, more than any other, must take this crisis seriously," Rogers told Scott in the letter released Friday.

To give credit where it's due, Kentucky Lt. Governor Dan Mongiardo, a physician and long-time advocate of measures to stop the pill pipeline from Florida into Kentucky, was the first to call out Scott for this abomination.

Police said it would be a setback in the fight to cut the pill pipeline coming out of Florida, and Lt. Gov. Daniel Mongiardo said the move was essentially an invitation to people to come to Florida for drugs.

"Who's he protecting, that's the question," Mongiardo said Friday.

Read the whole thing.

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