Saturday, February 19, 2011

Ben Chandler, Broken Weathervane

So DINO Ben Chandler votes with the rethuglicans to defund non-existent czars, then Stupak-loving Wire Hangar votes against them to preserve funding for Planned Parenthood, then the same repug-loving Blue Dog who voted against health care reform votes against the repug bill to defund the very same law.

We've known for quite a while that benny boy has no center - no moral compass or even a political gyroscope guiding his votes. For a while, it looked like he just went along with the majority, voting with the repugs until the dems took over the House in 2006, then sucking up to Speaker Pelosi to get some choice committee assignments, jumping on the Obama bandwagon when the landslide was obvious and swinging back to rethuglican territory behind the polls.

But now he's just plain fucking stupid.

Why vote with the teabagging morons on the meaningless czar idiocy, then turn around and really piss off conservatives by supporting Planned Parenthood? Why cancel out his teabagger-wet-dream vote against health care reform with a teabagger-enraging vote against taking away the funding?

Democrats aren't going to forgive him for Stupak in this lifetime - so many thousands of them sat home in November he came within a whisker of losing - and repugs are never going to vote for his D ass no matter how many times he thumbs his nose at Obama.

Chandler's just a weathervane with its screws stripped: spinning endlessly and pointlessly in every direction and no direction.

Meanwhile, John Yarmuth, Kentucky's Congressman Awesome, continues to make us proud.

1 comment:

  1. Saw Chandler coming out of "Testicles R Us" over the holidays. Apparently, nothing in the sack. (Pun intended)
