Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Earthquake Awareness Month

If you've lived in Kentucky for any length of time, you've probably experienced the tremors. A little shaking, a thud like a car hit the house, window glass shivering.

More intriguing than frightening, but make no mistake: they are tiny reminders that we live in the shadow of the biggest earthquake mother on the continent.

From the Kentucky Department of Emergency Management:

Beginning in February, Kentucky and states located in the New Madrid Seismic Zone are recognizing the bicentennial anniversary of the one of the largest known earthquakes in United States history. The first quake struck Dec. 16, 1811, near present day Memphis, Tenn., with subsequent quakes and aftershocks continuing through Feb. 7, 1812, the last occurring in New Madrid, Mo.

Historians report the Mississippi River was said to have run backward, Reel Foot Lake was formed and shaking was so violent it was felt as far away as South Carolina and Pennsylvania, causing church bells to ring. A similar earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone today would impact not only Kentucky, but several surrounding states and would devastate Memphis and St. Louis, causing major infrastructure damage and loss of life throughout this region.

Steve Oglesby, Kentucky Division of Emergency Management (KYEM) Earthquake Program Manager said, "Unlike the weather, which can be forecast and warned of in advance, scientists cannot predict an earthquake! The possibility of a major earthquake affecting Kentucky cannot be taken for granted. We should not prepare on the notion of if we have an earthquake, but rather when we have one. The bottom line is we live in a very active seismic zone, and as a potential victim of an earthquake, you need to prepare yourself, your home and workplace as much as possible."

An Earthquake Outreach Tour consisting of federal, state and local officials will hold an educational and information sharing town hall meeting in Paducah, Ky., Feb. 9, 2011, at Western Kentucky Community College, 10a.m. - Noon CDT.


KYEM, its federal partners, non-governmental organizations, state and local officials will collaborate on a series of outreach efforts, partnerships and events over the coming months, including Earthquake Preparedness Month in February, the Great Central U.S. Shakeout in April, and the 2011 National Level Exercise, which will be held in May. These events are designed to educate Americans on what they can do to be better prepared for earthquakes, as well as other catastrophic events.

Individuals and their families can take the following steps to prepare for earthquakes:

Get an emergency supply kit;

Make a family communications plan;

Stay informed of the risks in your community;

Check for hazards in the home;

Identify safe places indoors and outdoors; and

Educate yourself and family members.

For more information on preparing for an earthquake and other emergencies, please visit www.kyem.ky.gov/programs/earthquake/ and www.Ready.gov.

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