Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bring Marine's Father Home; Deport ICE Motherfuckers

You think immigration law in Kentucky needs to be fixed? First, stop abominations like this:

U.S. immigration authorities have deported a longtime Kentucky farm worker who had twice emigrated illegally from his native Guatemala — despite pleas for leniency from his son, a U.S. Marine preparing for deployment to Afghanistan.

Juan Andres, who with his wife has five children ages 12 to 22, was deported Jan. 27 to Guatemala, according to Gail Montenegro, spokeswoman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Andres, 41, had worked on farms in Kentucky and other Southern states since arriving illegally in the United States more than 25 years ago.

His son and other advocates had called for leniency because he had been a hard worker, abided by other laws and had been raising a family of U.S. citizens.

“I'm disappointed, to say the least,” said Ron Russell, whose Russell Immigration Law Firm represented Andres.

Attorney Rachel Newton, also with the law firm, said the decision could demoralize those in the armed forces who have undocumented family members. Anxiety about their relatives' welfare could distract them from being prepared for military service, she said.

“To me it sent a message to a lot of Latinos who are thinking about going into the service: ‘We're still going to do whatever we want to do to your relatives,' ” she said.

Unless you are 100 percent full-blooded Native American Indian, you are the descendant of immigrants - immigrants who by today's stupid and self-destructive laws would be rejected at the border and have to sneak in illegally.

What ICE is doing to Andres and hundreds of thousands of people like him is un-democratic, un-American and inhuman.

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