Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wield the Power of the Pen

Feel like even your hand-written letters to your congress critter are not making enough of an impression? Then call the fucker out in front of all your friends and neighbors.

Digby explains:

Strengthen Social Security has come up with another handy tool to make your wishes known to the powers that be about leaving Social Security alone in this idiotic deficit debate. It provides some templates and makes it easy for you to find and send it to the proper place. (I would urge you to write your own --- I suspect that papers are far less likely to print astro-turf from the left.)

I have been told by numerous people who work in politics that local papers are extremely important to legislators. They really don't like to be put on the spot on their home turf and the locals can make their lives very difficult if they read something in the paper they don't like. It's very useful for constituents to engage his way. It doesn't matter if your Representative or Senator is one of the "the good guys" or not. Right now, everything is very fluid and you don't know what kind of deals are being made. It's a crazy political environment. So write a letter anyway. They all need to know that people out here feel passionate about this and that there will be hell to pay if they do the wrong thing.

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