Thursday, December 2, 2010

Welcome Teabagger Governor David Williams

Yep, Cowardly Waste of Oxygen Steve Beshear has guaranteed he will lose reelection next year.

Here's the thing about pandering to the freakazoids, Stevieboy: they'll let you suck their cocks and rim their assholes all day long, then vote against you anyway.

You could change the name of the state to the Commonwealth of Jesus, take every dime away from the public schools and give it to xian madrassas, and bar everyone except born-agains from voting or holding a job, and they still won't vote for you or any other Democrat.

But that's not the worst of it. You didn't just waste $37 million taxpayer dollars and make a laughingstock of yourself and the entire Commonwealth of Kentucky bottom-feeding for votes you'll never get.

You lost the votes of the only people who could have gotten you reelected: liberal Democrats.

Remember what happened to Dan Mongiardo in 2004? He lost the U.S. Senate race to Jim Bunning by 1.4 percent. 22,652 votes. But at least 50,000 liberal Democratic voters sat home. Remember why?

Because in the spring, Mangy sponsored the Gay Hate bill in the Kentucky Senate. He didn't just vote for it; the scumsucker sponsored it. And bragged about sponsoring it.

I sat in political meetings in which lifelong Democrats, people who had worked for six long years to get rid of Bunning, people who would accept nearly any Democrat to get rid of Jimbo, stood up and declared in voices shaking with fury and despair that they would never vote for Mangy, and would resign from any organization that endorsed him.

I am one of the liberal Democrats who let Jim Bunning get re-elected in 2004, who kept your 2007 landslide from being even bigger, who made sure Jack Conway won the senate primary this year, because we'd rather eat ground glass than cast a vote for gay-bashing Dan Mongiardo.

But congratulations, Stevieboy! Mangy is no longer at the top of the liberal Democratic hit list in Kentucky.

You are.

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