Thursday, December 23, 2010

KY Legislators Make Strong Bid for Title of "Most Moronic"

The Kentucky Constitution is embarassingly out of date and inadequate in many ways, but the long list of needed changes does not include enshrining the rights of hunters and fisherman.

So what are state legislators planning to waste time on in the upcoming General Assembly session?


Several state lawmakers want constitutional protection for Kentuckians' right to hunt and fish, although they acknowledge that no authority has threatened this right in anyone's memory.

A bill calling for a statewide vote on a constitutional amendment was prefiled for the 2011 General Assembly by House Speaker Greg Stumbo, D-Prestonsburg; Rep. Leslie Combs, D-Pikeville; and Rep. John "Bam" Carney, R-Campbellsville. The legislature convenes Jan. 4.

"The citizens of Kentucky have the right to hunt, fish and harvest wildlife, including the use of traditional methods, subject only to statutes enacted by the legislature," the amendment would read, in part. "Public hunting and fishing shall be a preferred means of managing and controlling wildlife."

The measure reflects bipartisan concern in Frankfort following President Barack Obama's health care reform law and what some people see as overreaching by the federal government, Carney said. The right to own and use guns might be targeted by federal legislation in the future, he said.

Give me strength.

This is a federal government, let us remember, so terrified of the National Rifle Association that it can't even stop illegal gun-runners from selling automatic weapons to - wait for it - Mexican drug lords.

But assume, for the sake of argument, that the federal government - including a republican-majority House of Representatives - decided to impose draconian gun control on the nation.

A provision in the Kentucky state constitution that declares the right of residents to slaughter helpless animals will have no effect on federal gun control.

Kentucky is falling the fuck apart at the seams. No jobs, no money, no social safety net, no decent education, not a working brain cell in Frankfort.

But we've got god-bothering license plates, taxpayer-supported freakazoid idiocy, and squirrel-shooting listed in the constitution.

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