Wednesday, December 22, 2010

DINO Chandler Exposes Himself to Students

At Berea College, no less: Berea, which for more than 150 years has set the standard for personal integrity and strong character in Kentucky. Berea, where the students know a soulless hypocrite when it condescends to them.

David M.F. Shankula catches ol' Wire Hanger and nails him:

Ben Chandler (R-KY) took time out of his busy schedule defending Wall Street barons and Health Insurance Executives to visit a "Women's Health" class at Berea College last week.

No, no. This isn't another post about Ben Chandler's reprehensible views on women's rights (he's against them) -- it's about his views on toxins in our food!

Packaged foods sold in the United States may contain any number of about 80,000 untested chemicals, students in a Berea College “Women’s Health” class told U.S. Rep. Ben Chandler, D-Sixth District, on Tuesday.

Even if all the chemicals that may be in a food item are disclosed, and many are not, “That’s too many for any family or individual to keep up with to determine if they are safe,” one class member to the congressman.

More specifically, they asked Chandler if he would support revision of the Toxic Substance Control Act or TOSCA.

Among the chemicals found in food is BPA or bisphenol A, transmitted by plastic food containers such as baby bottles, sippy cups and water bottles.

The students said their research shows BPA imitates the female hormone estrogen, has ill effects on the thyroid gland and could be linked to breast cancer.

And what did good Republican Ben Chandler have to say to that?

Chandler commended the students for their interest and research. He also urged them to share that information with their classmates, families and others.

Most said they had already done that.

Concerned citizens may persuade a Congressman or Senator to vote for TOSCA reform, but unless there is constituent support for it, “He or she may not be (back in Congress) after the next election,” Chandler said.
A good lesson in Chandlercrat politics for these kids because, you see, either you can have Ben Chandler not vote for, fight for or support what is good and right right now or you will be faced with someone in two years who is not Ben Chandler and who will also be unwilling to fight for or support what is right then. Which obviously would yeild the same but worse results -- there would then still be toxins in food and baby bottles just as there are now and will continue to be under Ben Chandler, but then you wouldn't have Ben Chandler in Washington not protecting you. Which is not what you want.

It gets better - or worse, depending on how you look at it.

Read the whole thing.

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