Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Unconstitutional Stupidity Just Keeps on Coming

And this one is absolutely 100 percent Jack Conway's fault, because if he had just accepted the court decision this would be over. Instead, he went beyond his constitutional duty to defend the Commonwealth, and filed an appeal.

From the Courier:

A legal battle over once-obscure Kentucky laws that proclaim the commonwealth's “reliance upon Almighty God” for its safety and security is drawing in many of Kentucky's top political figures, as well as a controversial former Alabama chief justice.

Almost all the state’s legislators, including Republican Senate President David Williams, Democratic House Speaker Greg Stumbo and the entire leadership of both houses of the General Assembly, have filed friend-of-the-court briefs in favor of the laws, which require the Kentucky Office of Homeland Security to acknowledge dependence on God for the state's safety.

A 2009 Franklin Circuit Court ruled that the laws violate bans on government-established religion in the U.S. and Kentucky constitutions.

The case is now pending before the Kentucky Court of Appeals after the office of Attorney General Jack Conway, a Democrat, appealed that ruling.

Read the whole disgusting thing.

Then go to the new website of the Kentucky Secular Society, where you can find links to Kentucky's many islands of reality-based sanity.

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