Sunday, October 31, 2010

Repeat After Me: This Election Is Great News for Democrats

I am reposting this from two weeks ago, because the repugs are frantically trying to dial down expectations after their premature victory dances started backfiring in the polls. So let's remind everyone how the repugs themselves defined victory.

It's not too early to start spreading liberal election memes. They need to be well-established before the election, so send these far and wide:

Jim Inhofe said just last week that republicans would pick up 14 seats in the Senate. Back in the summer, House minority whip John Boehner predicted that repugs would pick up 100 Democratic seats in the House of Representatives. He's since backed down from that, of course, but that's no reason to let him or his party off the hook.

Meme: If the repugs pick up fewer than 100 Democratic seats in the House and 14 in the Senate, the entire election is a MASSIVE FAILURE by republicans, a HUGE VICTORY for the Democratic Party, and an ENORMOUS MANDATE for President Obama to jam down Congress' throat every bit of his liberal agenda - repealing DADT and DOMA, passing ENDA, EFCA and a $3 trillion deficit-financed jobs/stimulus/infrastructure bill. And not just cancelling the Bush tax cuts for the rich, but increasing the rate to 75 percent for the duration of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

This week, the DCCC started pulling out of marginal races, especially those of conservative Democrats in red districts. This supports the prediction of Digby, Down With Tyranny and others that the most likely losers among incumbent Democrats are Blue Dogs who vote with the republicans and are thus despised by both repug and Democratic voters.

Meme: However many seats Democrats lose in the House and the Senate, every single losing Democratic incumbent was a Blue Dog/DINO/traitor whose departure is good riddance and a terrific boon for the Democratic Party. The more Blue Dog (and for purposes of this meme, ALL losing Democratic incumbents are Blue Dogs) seats the Democratic Party loses, the STRONGER that makes the Democratic Party and President Obama, because the party has shed traitors who voted with repugs anyway. The fewer Blue Dogs, the more Democratic, cohesive, loyal and determined the Democratic Party is.

Many of those losing Blue Dogs are freshmen who beat repug incumbents by riding President Obama's 2008 coattails. President Obama is not on the ballot this year, which lowers turnout among the many new voters who turned out specifically for him in 2008 and will do so again in 2012.

Meme: No matter how many seats the Democratic Party loses in the House and the Senate, it is good news for President Obama in 2012.

Have you made calls for your Democratic Congressional candidate yet?

Cross-posted at They Gave Us A Republic ....

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