Saturday, October 30, 2010

Only One Way to Save Social Security: Create Jobs

Hey, Democratic Candidate: Down in the dumps because you're down in the polls? Here's a great last-minute winning pitch that repugs can't beat.

Digby on the stupidity of Democrats jumping on the kill-Social-Security bandwagon:

They both accepted the Peterson Shock Doctrine premise that now is the time to cut social security. (That's when people are confused and scared and will accept absurd, plutocratic "solutions" to problems that don't even exist.)

It would be interesting to see just one Democrat answer these question in the following way:

"I would love to know why people are obsessing about a possible, small shortfall in social security 30 years from now instead of the very real job shortfall we have today. If you're worried about paying the bills, the quickest and best way to deal with it is to get people back to work as soon as possible. More workers means more revenue means less debt --- everybody wins, now and in the future."

I know that's over simplified, but I think Democrats need to start challenging the illogical bumper sticker conventional wisdom that's developed that basically says the only way to fix this economic slump is to cut social security.It's utter nonsense that they are even talking about it right now when we have huge, immediate problems and our future problems will not be solved by doing this but will instead be made worse. (Does anyone think that having a huge generation of very poor old people who cannot work is going to make this country stronger?)

This is a very self-destructive act on the part of Democrats and they are playing with fire if they decide to "compromise" on this. If during an economic crisis, they go from being slow and ineffectual in their economic response to actively weakening the most important social program in America during, then the political consequences are likely to be significant.

Repug lies to the contrary, nobody cares about the deficit. Everybody cares about jobs, and everybody loves Social Security. Creating jobs will save Social Security AND eliminate the deficit. Promising to do so will attract votes.


1 comment:

  1. Well you can't argue with that logic.
    You could but you would be wrong.
    One other thing that would help is to stop raiding the booty. Before The Jelly bean President it was unlawful to touch it. Reagan used it to help with the budget and it's been plundered ever since.
