Monday, October 4, 2010

Jack Conway and Rand Paul "Debate" on Fox

No, I didn't watch it, but David Shankula at Barefoot and Progressive did. He labels it "Conway/Paul Smackdowzzzzz:"

Rand Paul and Jack Conway got their debate on this morn courtesy of the satirical current events show "FOX News Sunday."

Chris Wallace asked Conway why he's called Paul "crazy" on the campaign trail.

Conway responded that anyone who thinks blacks should be barred from sitting at a lunch counter in this day and age is obviously crazy. He then went on to hammer Paul on the Americans with Disability Act, his association with neo-Nazis and...

Wait. Oh. No, sorry. This is Jack Conway. Nevermind. Here's what he actually said:

"I just think he's out of touch with the values of mainstream Kentuckians. You know, as Democrats, we need to talk about our values a little more. I think we value inclusivity."


Here's the video. Watch it if you dare.

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