Monday, October 4, 2010

Gulf Oil Catastrophe Still Bad and Getting Worse

From edger at They Gave Us A Republic ....:

BP and the Feds have fooled America and the entire world into thinking the BP Gulf Oil Spill is over, that the beaches are clean and that the seafood is safe, and everything is OK.

Titled "The Gulf Oil Spill isn’t over!" here's a little bit of mournful Louisiana blues to tell the real story.

Let's make this one viral....

Uploaded to YouTube Oct. 02, 2010 by:
Holt Webb - writer/photographer & publisher of The Vanishing America Project
"a multi-year journey I’ve undertaken to use my skill as a photographer and a writer to promote conservation and raise awareness about what we are losing – our culture, our wildlife, and our landscape – in hopes that some of it will still be around for future generations to enjoy."

Hat tip to Alexander Higgins who for months on his blog has been collecting every bit of news you can imagine about the BP's Gulf of Mexico oil catastrophe.

Read the whole thing, including captions from the video, here.

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