Friday, September 24, 2010

Rand Paul Runs Away from Real Voters, Abuses Senior Citizen

Do NOT fuck with the Hillbilly. For he WILL get you on tape and expose your cupidity and rudeness for all the world to see.

I believe Rand Paul and folks like State Senator Dan Seum showed their real colors when they, what I consider, manhandled, pushed and shoved this 71 year old blogger around in a Government building simply because this 71 year old blogger was trying to exercise his constitutional rights as a citizen of the United states of America and then, according to my sources called the AP to say that Rand Paul was being harassed by this 71 year old blogger. Never mind that this 71 year old blogger has videotaped the President of the United States of America, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Mitch McConnell, just to mention a few. Now that takes balls.

The video of Dr. Rand Paul and Kentucky State Senator Dan Seum, making what I consider, asses of themselves is below. The video is uncut. The only things edited in the video are, audio levels and a little color correction.

One last thing, the "Meet-N-Greet" thing with Dr. Rand Paul that was supposed to last from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. was over, according to my iPhone clock, at 6:30 pm. Further proof that Dr. Rand Paul and folks like State Senator Dan Seum love speaking to the choir, but hate it when when real folks ask real questions.

Senator Dan Seum, my arm where it was grabbed forcefully is really hurting bad. Do you have any suggestions as to what I should do about it?

Note: If you watch the entire video you will hear a man ask Dr. Rand Paul "do you want to walk around any more" and Dr. Rand Paul says "no we've had enough" that's at the very end of the unedited video.

Read the whole story here.

Do not fear the teabaggers or their candidates. Like all bullies, they are cowards. Stand up to them, demand answers, and they will run away and hide.

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