Friday, September 24, 2010

Kentucky Democratic Party Concedes Entire Election to Repugs

Are you fucking kidding me?

From the republican chair of the KDP:

The Kentucky Democratic Party would like to invite you to join your fellow Democrats from across the Commonwealth for a very special evening. We'll be gathering in Louisville on October 9th at the Crowne Plaza Hotel to see old friends, meet new ones and celebrate our party and our candidates.

How special.

Twenty-six days before an election that will mean the difference between slow-but-real-and-almost-democratic progress and a teabagger-led plunge into a third-world theocracy, the KDP is inviting Democrats to "see old friends, meet new ones and celebrate our party and our candidates"?

How about "If you ever want to hold your head up as a Real Democrat again, you will get your ass to Louisville for Get Out the Vote Training and Campaign Volunteer Work Assignments for the next four weeks."

Special guests will include Senator Wendell Ford, Governor Steve Beshear, U.S. Senate Candidate Jack Conway, Congressman John Yarmuth, Congressman Ben Chandler, Lt. Governor Daniel Mongiardo, Auditor Crit Luallen, Treasurer Todd Hollenbach, House Speaker Greg Stumbo, Former Governor Julian Carroll and State Representative Rocky Adkins

No mention of Democratic Congressional Challengers Ed Marksberry in the Second District, John Waltz in the Fourth District, Charles Hatchett in the First District or Jim Holbert in the Fifth District. The republican-chaired KDP isn't giving those candidates a fucking dime. I seriously doubt Ed, John, Charles and Jim would be allowed in the door to this hoity-toity event, even if they could afford the overpriced ticket.

(Granted, Hatchett is a monster embarassment, but nowhere near as embarassing as a republican-run state democratic party that couldn't recruit anyone better.)

No mention of the price, which will be far above the ability of any actual Real Kentucky Democrat, with the exception of John Yarmuth, to afford.

When Unspeakable Coward and Total Waste of Oxygen Governor Steve Beshear appointed as Chair of the Kentucky Democratic Party a flop-sweated blob who had recently contributed money to ... wait for it ... Mitch McConnell, everybody laughed kind of nervously and joked that maybe he was a mole sent to sabotage the election.

No joke.

Cross-posted at They Gave Us A Republic ...

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