Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Why Alex is Going to Win and Jack is Going to Lose

Talking Points Memo:

Democratic Illinois Senate nominee Alexi Giannoulias has come out in support of the Cordoba House project near Ground Zero in New York City, the Associated Press reports.

"Are we going to talk about tolerance, talk about freedom of religion or are we actually going to practice it?" Giannoulias said today at the Illinois State Fair in Springfield.

Giannoulias said Tuesday during a visit to the Illinois State Fair in Springfield that Americans must stand up for freedom of religion even when it's difficult.

He says he sympathizes with those who lost loved ones in the attacks, but pointed out that includes Muslims and some emergency personnel at the disaster were Muslim.

Media Czech:

Jack Conway hadn't commented on the "Islamic YMCA in an abandoned Burlington Coat Factor" (h/t MCL). Until now. From the campaign:

“This is a local issue. But the focus should be on remaining sensitive to the families of the victims of 9/11 and for that reason, I’d prefer to see it built elsewhere.”

What I'd prefer to see is a Democratic candidate for Senate who didn't cave on King Coal, the Bush Tax Cuts and anti-Muslim hysteria that goes against everything this country and the Bill of Rights is supposed to stand for. What I'd prefer to see is a candidate that I'd feel good about going into the booth and voting for, not just someone who isn't nearly as bad as Rand Paul.

Email Jack Conway at to explain what a suicidal moron he is.

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