Thursday, August 19, 2010

Repugs Handing American Economy to China

Republican claims to be the "party of business" have always been bullshit; republicans are and always have been the party of obscene wealth, feudalism, slave/child labor and corporate control of the economy.

But on energy repugs have jumped the shark, lapped the circus, gone crazier than a shithouse rat; they're handing hundreds of billions in U.S. economic growth to the Chinese. The communist Chinese.

Steve Benen:

'THE CONSEQUENCES OF OUR INACTION'.... In his Oval Office address in June, President Obama tried, once again, to remind Americans that our approach to energy policy, and our failure to position ourselves for international competition, is costing us dearly. "The consequences of our inaction are now in plain sight. Countries like China are investing in clean energy jobs and industries that should be right here in America," he said.

It's hard to overstate how true this is. In June, a New Jersey company held the license to technology that "makes solar panels cheaper, more efficient and less toxic to the environment." The company's chief executive, an American and retired Marine, decided he had no choice but to move his operation to China, which reached out to the company. "The Chinese have a major, aggressive movement to increase the technology in the photovoltaic area," Chuck Provini said. "They picked up the phone and called us and said, 'What do you do?'"

The result: an American company's technology will be commercialized overseas. The economic boost and the hundreds of new jobs will be in China, not here. As ABC News reported, we're not only lagging behind China, but Brazil, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Spain all have a national clean energy policy, and are all taking clean-energy investments more seriously than the United States.


Every policy challenge need not be seen through a partisan lens, but this one should -- America is faltering on energy because the Republican Party demands it. The U.S. is falling behind international competitors because the GOP thinks "drill, baby, drill" is a substantive idea, climate science is a Marxist plot, cap-and-trade (an idea Republicans came up with) is radical and dangerous, and a national clean energy policy is wholly unnecessary.

Of course, this wouldn't necessarily matter -- the GOP is in the minority -- but our political system, for the first time in American history, requires super-majorities just to have a vote. The result is legislative paralysis, and a clean-energy revolution that is leaving the United States behind.

Misguided Republican nonsense is costing the nation dearly, and after the midterm, and expected GOP gains, this is only going to get worse.

From now on, the only response to repug bleating about American innovation, investment, small business or economic leadership must be: "Then why are you handing the 21st-century's biggest industry to the Chinese and the French?"

1 comment:

  1. May this would be true that republicians become always the party of obscene wealth, feudalism and for the xcorporate control of the economy.
