Monday, August 30, 2010

The Responsible Response: Boycott Fox's Sponsors

Via Zandar, Matt Taibbi has a great piece on the current teabagger insanity, which ends with this plea:

I'm beginning to wonder why effective boycotts against these hate-media channels, and particularly Fox, haven’t been organized yet. Why not just pick out one Fox advertiser at random and make an example out of it? How about Subaru and their unintentionally comic “Love” slogan? I actually like their cars, but what the fuck? How about Pep Boys and that annoying logo of theirs? Just to prove that it can be done, I’d like to see at least one firm get blown out of business as a consequence of financially supporting the network that is telling America that its black president wants to kill white babies. Isn't that at least the first move here? It's beginning to strike me that sitting by and doing nothing about this madness is not a terribly responsible way to behave.

I never watch Fox, so I don't know who sponsors them. Subaru works for me, although I don't think many people are buying new cars these days anyway. Anybody got it in for Pep Boys or another Fox sponsor? I'm game, whoever it is.

UPDATE: How about that? is already on it. Theirs is not the focus-on-just-one-and-destroy-it suggested by Taibbi, and it's so lame it doesn't even include a list of Fox sponsors, but it's something.

1 comment:

  1. I watch fox just to find out the next ploy. Gold is the big one for Beck.
    He only has about 3 sponsors. Murdoch is backing Beck to the bone.
    The thing the right wing media fears most is not lack of sponsors but a push for the fairness doctrine. Bring it up to a right wing site. They go into convulsions. Kind of like dry humping. There air fuckers would go even more insane of Obama pushed for it. Alas that will never happen.
    I did say Obama. sigh
