Monday, August 30, 2010

Demand a National 2-1-1 Line

Blue Girl says get on the 2-1-1 bandwagon.

We need a national 2-1-1 Hotline

There are a lot of people out there who need help who never thought they would ever be in the situation they find themselves in, through no fault of their own.

There are also a lot of agencies and organizations that can provide some of that help - the United Way, the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, foodbanks and quite a few others.

The problem is, a lot of the people who need help don't have the foggiest notion about how to get it, and are frequently too embarrassed to ask questions and find out. A national 2-1-1 hotline would go a long ways toward closing that gap and getting help to people who need it.

You can show your support by clicking the link, filling out a short form and the system will email your Congressman and Senators to let them know you support a 2-1-1 hotline.

If you live in Kentucky, you can click here for help. used to be on the main page, but it's been demoted to the bottom of Governor Beshear's home page. Hey, Steve: Do you really think that it's more important to have a link to where businesses can find out which new regulations they can safety ignore than a link to where desperate families can find help?

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