Thursday, August 19, 2010

New Polling Showing Conway Ahead of Paul is Extremely Bad News

Because it's going to convince Conway that his me-repug-too idiocy is working.

Media Czech:

Ryan Alessi has the new cn|2 poll up, and goodness gracious do we have a jump:

Jack Conway- 41.7
Rand Paul- 41.2

The poll from two weeks ago had Conway down 10, 41-31.

Keep checking back here as I'll be adding crosstabs throughout the next half hour...

UPDATE: More crosstabs:

Conway- 35/48
Paul- 50/33

Yes, that's what we might call a gender gap right there.

Read the whole thing.

Cue Conway coming out against the 14th Amendment and demanding Obama be impeached in 3, 2, 1 ....

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