Thursday, August 19, 2010

Another Excellent Enslave-the-Middle-Class Idea from the Alien Plutocracy

These people are so disconnected from the reality of how 98 percent of Americans live that they might as well be from Mars. The obscenely rich part, that is.

Susie Madrak:

If we were having an actual national emergency, rather than corporations happily sitting on piles of cash and handing out record bonuses and dividends, this might --- might make sense. But since the only "emergency" here is corporate greed, I can only speculate as to why it only makes sense to take money from workers.

I think it would make a lot more sense to take 95% from CEOs:

With 9.5 percent unemployment and millions more underemployed, it seems like a daunting, almost impossible, task to find jobs for everyone. But Ken Maryland, president of ClearView Economics, has an idea: Cut everyone's pay by 10 percent.

"EVERYBODY -- from the president down to the chambermaid -- takes a 10% cut in compensation," writes Marlyand for Marketwatch. "This freed-up compensation expense is then used to re-employ the 8% (12.3 million) of the unemployed. Net-net, the nation's compensation bill has remained unchanged, and the unemployment rate is now 4.5%! Voila!"


Not to mention the biggest flaw in this proposal: Namely, why would you trust executives to hire people after they cut salaries?

The plutocratic fuckers and their cocksucking repug and Blue Dog enablers in Congress absolutely will not be satisfied until everyone with a net worth under $100 million toils in factories for pennies or sharecrops for not enough to feed a family.

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