Friday, January 6, 2017

Bevin Fine With Repugs Killing 45,000 Kentucky Jobs

This is what he ran on, remember? Repeal that horrible commiemuslinterrist freedumb-killing thing from that ni**er in the White House.  And Kentuckians put their racism before their own lives and voted the motherfucker governor.

Repealing two key pieces of the Affordable Care Act could cost Kentucky nearly 45,000 jobs in 2019 because of reduced federal spending, according to a new study.

The Commonwealth Fund, a non-profit that supports increased access to health care that has come under the law commonly known as Obamacare, released the study Friday as Republicans in Congress gear up to dismantle it.

The study analyzed the effect of ending federal premium tax credits aimed at helping people afford health insurance and federal payments to states to help cover the cost of expanding Medicaid.

There are several other parts to the law, but those are likely early targets of opponents, the study said.
The study concluded that ending those provisions would result in Kentucky losing 44,600 jobs.

More than a third would be health care jobs, but employment in construction, retail and other fields also would drop as the effects of reduced federal spending spread through the economy, the study said.

The report said the repeal would lead to $40.6 billion less in business output in Kentucky between 2019 and 2023 and the loss of $718 million in state and local taxes.


The report said the findings are noteworthy because of “debunked” claims that the federal health care law has killed jobs, citing a January 2016 PolitiFact report that said the number of jobs in the country grew by 10.7 million from April 2010, when the law went into effect, through the end of 2015.

In addition, uncompensated care costs would “soar” for hospitals and health care providers at the same time they lost revenue, the study said.

Federal figures show that 600,000 Kentuckians have gained insurance as a result of the health law, according to the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky.
Meanwhile, Governor Fuck Off and Die, You Poors is lying - again, still, always - about the law that literally saved thousands of Kentucky lives.
The administration of Gov. Matt Bevin could not comment Thursday on the report because there hadn’t been sufficient time to examine the methods used in the study, said Doug Hogan, spokesman for the Cabinet for Health and Family Services.

It’s clear, however, that the “failed Obamacare experiment” has burdened employers and providers, destabilized insurance markets, increased consumer premiums and added significant costs to taxpayers, Hogan said.

Republicans have vowed to do away with the ACA and replace it with something better, but have not said what the new system will include.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, a hell of a lot of jobs will be lost.
    And a lot of a lot of people will die.

    But, while the dead will stay dead, maybe some of those newly unemployed could be trained to be Grief Councelors, Morticians, Hearse drivers, tombstone carvers, hospital/funeral home collections agents, etc.

    See, there's always a silve lining if you look for one!
