Saturday, October 3, 2015

Repug KY Judge Gives Freakazoid "Right" to Newspaper Space

No, Tatenhove: the First Amendment does not confer the right to have your words published in a private company's newspaper.

No, Tatenhove: the First Amendment does not bar "censorship" by private companies.  The ban on speech applies only to government entities.

No, Tatenhove: PopeyFrankie's implicit endorsement of freakazoid imposition of xian sharia does not give you the authority to impose Dominionism on the Commonwealth.

Greg Kocher at the Herald:
A federal judge found an effort by the Kentucky Board of Examiners of Psychology to censor the parenting advice of nationally syndicated newspaper columnist John Rosemond to be unconstitutional.

U.S. District Judge Gregory F. Van Tatenhove ruled Wednesday that the board had "unconstitutionally applied" state regulations to Rosemond's advice column. Van Tatenhove also permanently enjoined the board from "enforcing these laws in an unconstitutional manner against Rosemond or others similarly situated.


The origins of the case date to Feb. 12, 2013, when the Lexington Herald-Leader ran one of Rosemond's columns, "Living with Children." Rosemond advised that the teen, who he referred to as a "highly spoiled underachiever," was "in dire need of a major wake-up call."

He described what actions might be taken, including taking away electronic devices and suspending his privileges until he improved his grades. The article bore the tagline: "Family psychologist John Rosemond answers parents' questions on his website at" This is typical of the taglines affixed to Rosemond's articles.

After Rosemond's article ran, a complaint was filed with the Kentucky Board of Examiners of Psychology. The complainant, a formerly licensed Kentucky psychologist, characterized Rosemond's advice as "unprofessional and unethical." He also expressed concern that Rosemond claimed to be a psychologist when he wasn't licensed in Kentucky.


It is against Kentucky law to practice psychology without a state license, or to use the title "psychologist" without having a state license. Rosemond does not hold a Kentucky license, but he is a licensed psychological associate in North Carolina. He is routinely identified as a "family psychologist" in a note at the end of his columns.
Rosemund is a freakazoid promoter of xian sharia who promotes beatings even for toddlers.  Tatenhove is a former aide to Mitch McConnell and fervent Catlick who belongs on late-night TV peddling disability claim advice.

And the Herald is cowardly for not just canceling Rosemund's column.

Read more here:

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