Sunday, October 18, 2015

Freakazoid Pig-Headedness Will Bankrupt Wilmore

Hey, Mayor Moron:  Google "Freedom From Religion Foundation."  They've spent years suing dozens of idiots like you and winning every time.  The real stupid cities keep appealing until they're bankrupt.

The longtime mayor of Wilmore said Sunday that a lighted white cross that sits on top of the city's water tower will not be moved despite a legal threat by a Madison, Wisconsin, group that says the cross is unconstitutional.

"In nearly 40 years, no one has ever complained about this cross except this group from Madison," said Wilmore Mayor Harold Rainwater, who has been mayor of the Jessamine County town of about 6,000 almost that long. "It means a lot to us. It's important to our town. There's nothing that's drawn our town together more than the possibility of losing this cross."

On Sept. 29, lawyers with the Freedom From Religion Foundation sent Rainwater an email asking that the cross be removed from the water tower and that pictures of the water tower and cross be removed from Wilmore's official website.

"It is unlawful for Wilmore to display a patently religious symbol such as a Christian cross on public property," wrote Rebecca S. Markert, a staff attorney for the foundation. The group could not be reached for additional comment Sunday.

The email cites several federal court cases regarding the separation of church and state, adding that "a majority of federal courts has held displays of Latin crosses on public property to be an unconstitutional endorsement of religion."

In the email, Markert says the group successfully sued Whiteville, Tenn., in 2011 over a similar case. The Tennessee town had a large cross on its water tower that was also lit up at night. The case was settled for $20,000, with the town paying for the Freedom From Religion Foundation's legal fees. Whiteville also was sent a letter asking that the cross be removed, and a suit was filed after the letter was ignored, Markert wrote.
 And of course the freakazoids turned out to protect their invisible sky wizard.

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