Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Kimmie's Going to Jail: Supremes Deny Appeal

Of course she's still refusing to do her job.  As I keep saying, she's a vicious, hateful freakazoid piece of shit.

John Cheves at the Herald:
If anyone asks Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis for a marriage license Tuesday — and a number of couples are expected to, with news cameras following — she must comply or risk fines, or potentially even jail time.

Late Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court denied Davis' request for a stay in the preliminary injunction that U.S. District Judge David Bunning handed down two weeks ago, ordering Davis to resume issuing licenses despite her religious opposition to same-sex marriage.

Davis, an Apostolic Christian, has refused to issue any marriage licenses since the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage in June.

A temporary stay in Bunning's order, which the judge agreed to while Davis appealed, expired Monday. Davis' previous request for a delay was denied last week by the 6th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. Her next request, made Friday, went to Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan, who oversees Kentucky and the rest of the 6th Circuit. Kagan referred the request to the full court, which denied it Monday.

Having reached the end of the road, legally, Davis could face contempt charges if she disobeys Bunning's order.

Simultaneously, Attorney General Jack Conway is weighing a request from Rowan County Attorney Cecil Watkins, who wants a special prosecutor appointed to decide if Davis should be charged with official misconduct for failing to perform her public duties. The offense is a misdemeanor that could bring up to a year in jail, apart from any contempt charges.

Some of Davis' supporters, who gathered outside the Rowan County courthouse Monday to sing hymns, said the clerk would neither obey the court order nor resign her job. Davis, a Democrat, began a four-year term in January.

"Kim Davis is not gonna back down. If she has to go to jail, then she will," said Randy Smith, a local minister. "As she has told me, this is about heaven and hell for her. The only thing she knows to do now is follow the word of God."
But she already fucked that up by issuing a marriage license to a couple one of whom is a transgender man.  Any invisible sky wizard who judges people based on how much they deny human rights to human beings has already marked Kimmie for the eternal lake of fire and constant ass-rape by laughing, barbed-dick demons.

Mark my words:  when it gets to the point that she has to resign or pay fines/go to jail, she'll resign.  All freakazoids, like all bullies, are fundamentally cowards.

Read more here: http://www.kentucky.com/2015/08/31/4014039/decision-day-rowan-clerk-must.html?sp=/99/164/#storylink=cpy

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