Saturday, September 5, 2015

18 Days

Just get this tattooed inside your eyelids:  everything the freakazoids say, especially about abortion, is a motherfucking lie.

No, a blastocyst's heart does not start beating 18 days after conception. That's mostly because blatocysts don't have hearts.  They look like this:



Actually you’re not considered dead when your heart stops beating. This is why many medical professionals still try to revive those whose hearts have stopped. Because medicine and science has found that death is not considered when your heart as stopped, but once all brain activity has ceased. Which is why they usually have around six minutes before there is no chance to revive. Because when the heart has stopped, your brain cells are deprived of oxygen and start to die.
Fetuses do not have regular brain activity until 25 weeks. At this point in gestation the only time an abortion would be performed is out of medical necessity to save the mother’s life, or to spare the fetus from a short and painful life. These only make up 1% of all abortions. And therefore by this argument, but with the knowledge of what is actually classified as death, a fetus isn’t ‘alive’ until roughly 25 weeks. Far after 99% of abortions are performed.
Please do actual research before trying to use emotional manipulative photos of babies that are born and NOT fetusesbefore parading it out and believing it as fact. Because you are only seriously misinforming yourself, and many others and furthering contributing to a movement that tries to control women’s bodies, when what they do with it does not affect you.
If you are so adamant about helping lives, try doing things for those who are in need and are actually sentient beings. Volunteer at a soup kitchen, donate to an organization that helps feed hungry children, support adoption of older children who are in foster care and are more likely to age out. But this? This does nothing.
Actually you’re not considered dead when your heart stops beating. This is why many medical professionals still try to revive those whose hearts have stopped. Because medicine and science has found that death is not considered when your heart as stopped, but once all brain activity has ceased. Which is why they usually have around six minutes before there is no chance to revive. Because when the heart has stopped, your brain cells are deprived of oxygen and start to die.
Fetuses do not have regular brain activity until 25 weeks. At this point in gestation the only time an abortion would be performed is out of medical necessity to save the mother’s life, or to spare the fetus from a short and painful life. These only make up 1% of all abortions. And therefore by this argument, but with the knowledge of what is actually classified as death, a fetus isn’t ‘alive’ until roughly 25 weeks. Far after 99% of abortions are performed.
Please do actual research before trying to use emotional manipulative photos of babies that are born and NOT fetusesbefore parading it out and believing it as fact. Because you are only seriously misinforming yourself, and many others and furthering contributing to a movement that tries to control women’s bodies, when what they do with it does not affect you.
If you are so adamant about helping lives, try doing things for those who are in need and are actually sentient beings. Volunteer at a soup kitchen, donate to an organization that helps feed hungry children, support adoption of older children who are in foster care and are more likely to age out. But this? This does nothing.

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