Thursday, July 16, 2015

You First, Motherfucker

Nice to see Matt Bevin proving his "libertarian" bonafides with a lame repug chestnut like drug-testing welfare moms.
Anybody ask him why test people getting a few hundred bucks a month when you can test the people getting millions of taxpayer dollars a month?  Start with Codell Construction and Peabody Coal.  The rest of the list of big corporations and billionaires getting subsidies and government contracts ought to keep the testing labs busy for years.

Republican gubernatorial candidate Matt Bevin called for drug testing of those receiving public assistance at a forum Tuesday organized by the Council of Agency Executives.


During the hour-long debate, Bevin gave few specifics on his programs if elected governor, but said that he would push for drug testing of welfare recipients.

"We need random drug testing for the people who are receiving benefits from the state," he said. "I'll tell you, as an employer, one of the first things these people are needing in order to assimilate back into society is to pass a drug test, and they can't."
A: Name three people who were on welfare when you offered them a job, and who subsequently flunked a drug test. Name one. Yeah, thought so.

B. Do you have the slightest idea how much in tax dollars the Commonwealth of Kentucky pays in "benefits from the state," and how much the Commonwealth of Kentucky pays in tax subsidies and sweetheart contracts to corporations, campaign contributors and other repugs sucking off the government teat?  Didn't think so.

C. Who is going to pay for all the negative tests, given that in multiple states, negative tests were 98 percent of the total and ended up costing the states tens of thousands of dollars?

Real libertarians want all drugs legalized, you lying motherfucking moron.

But repug assholes are all about demanding policies that are proven not to work. Especially when all said policies do is shame and demean people who have been impoverished by the austerity policies of the very same said repugs.

Congratulations on the demotion, Matty Boy.

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