Saturday, July 18, 2015

AynRandy Doesn't Want Any Kentucky Votes

He's skipping Fancy Farm!

If you're not a politically aware Kentuckian, you may not have grasped the import of that sentence.  Let me try again:

Rand Paul is skipping Fancy Farm!

While running for re-election statewide.

My dears, it is Just. Not. Done.

Sam Youngman at the Herald:
Paul told reporters last week that he is skipping the annual event in far Western Kentucky in favor of campaigning in New Hampshire, a state he has deemed a must-win for his presidential bid.

It's the kind of decision that is causing serious hand-wringing among Republicans as they privately fret that Paul is focusing too much effort and resources on a stalled presidential bid at the expense of his U.S. Senate re-election campaign.

While Paul's aides have long defended the senator's decision to run for both offices in 2016 by boasting of his abilities as a multitasker, there is growing concern that Paul could be caught off-guard in his Senate race, much the way former U.S. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was last year.

Paul's recent moves leave little doubt that his re-election is a distant second on his list of priorities.

Read more here:

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