Thursday, June 11, 2015

Pro-Pot Victory Over Indiana Freakazoids

Be careful what you force down the throats of your state's liberals.  They have a sense of humor and aren't afraid to use it.

The intent of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) in Indiana was to allow the free exercise of 'religious freedom,' which was highly contested and revised due to public outcry. That's because the bill was viewed as a license to discriminate against homosexuality. But this religious freedom act opened Indiana up for other churches, some being rather unorthodox.
The IRS has incorporated an Indianapolis marijuana-smoking church as a tax-exempt religious organization.
Bill Levin, founder of the First Church of Cannabis in Indianapolis, was notified of the approval last week, which will now allow donors to deduct contributions on their taxes, the CNHI (Community Newspaper Holdings Inc.) Indiana Statehouse Bureau reported Saturday. IRS documents provided by Mr. Levin confirmed the agency’s approval, CNHI said.

Levin's proposal for this church dedicated to the benefits of the cannabis plant is rather refreshing, in my opinion.
“The bibles of other religions are yesteryear about the drinking out of goat skins. That doesn’t relate to people with GPS in their hand and 7,000 tunes in that same hand,” he said. “The church is very simple. The first good book we’re going to ask parishioners to read and understand is ‘The Emperor Wears No Clothes.'”

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