Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Responsible KY 2-year-old gun wielder shoots mother

Again, there is no such thing as a gun "accident." A shooting may not be premeditated, but any gun discharge is the result of deliberate actions by the owner of the gun, in this case leaving it loaded with the safety off in the reach of a child.

Child endangerment is the least of it. How about felony charges for leaving a loaded gun anywhere, anytime, beyond the immediate possession of its owner?  How about requiring all firearms to have true "safeties" that disable them when not in the owner's possession? How about showing some fucking sense?
Police say a woman is expected to be OK after she was accidentally shot by her 2-year-old son Saturday night.

The shooting was reported on Sunset Court, off New La Grange Road, around 9:30 p.m. The child was not hurt, according to police spokeswoman Alicia Smiley.

Three people were in the residence at the time, Smiley said. The mother, believed to be in her 30s, was taken to the hospital with injuries that are not expected to be life-threatening.
It is not clear how the child managed to get to the gun. Police are still investigating the incident.

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