Wednesday, May 20, 2015

How the "Home School" Scam Lets KY Kids Drop Out

Kentucky has zero standards, zero requirements, zero regulations of any kind on "home schools." 

Wanna keep your kids at home to work in the fields so they never learn to read or write? Kentucky is fine with that.

Wanna make sure all your kids ever know is Leviticus and supply-side jeebus? Kentucky is fine with that.

Wanna prevent your local gubmint skools from earning the funding they need to educate children by keeping your own at home?  Kentucky is fine with that.
Read between the lines and it's obvious school officials know that kids and parents are lying about dropouts being "home schooled."  But either out of their own freakazoid ignorance and stupidity or out of fear of the freakazoids' power to destroy school officials' careers and lives, they are going to just take parents' word that "home schooling" is going on in homes that lack a single book, much less instructional materials.

Kentucky Education Commissioner Terry Holliday said in February that the state was going to start tracking high school students who withdraw to attend home school to make sure they aren't just dropping out.

As of May 18, the number of students who withdrew from public schools to be home-schooled in 2014-15 was 5,129, said Nancy Rodriguez, a spokeswoman for the state education department.

Holliday said he had heard a complaint that some school officials, in an effort to keep dropout numbers low, were encouraging students to withdraw and say they were in home school when, in actuality, no home school existed.

To determine if the concerns are valid, he said, a new annual report will monitor the number of high school students who withdraw each year to attend home school.

Holliday said in an interview that he had no problem with parents who think home-schooling is appropriate for their children.

But he said in February that districts with an increase in numbers might need additional support with alternative programs, student support programs, and career and technical education.
Bullshit. Without state laws and regulations forcing "home schools" to use professional instructional materials and home-school "graduates" to pass strict testing before getting a diploma, all the "support programs" in the world are useless.

Kentucky does have one requirement regarding graduates of "home schools" and xian madrassas: state universities must accept them without question.

Not to worry though; they all flunk out first semester.

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