Sunday, April 19, 2015

Just Do Your Fucking Job

Next time my boss gives me an assignment I don't like, or just tells me to get to work when I'd rather nap, I'm going say that my religious conscience prevents me from doing it.

How’s about, instead of passing laws like this, we instead pass “competency clauses,” which state that if your religious beliefs don’t allow you to do your job completely and correctly, then maybe you are not qualified to have that job and should maybe get a different job. Sounds like a fine fuckin’ idea to us.
Conscience clauses are another huge step toward Dominionism. Only christians - and only the most fundamentalist flavor of christian - will be citizens.  Only they will be fully human and thus entitled to civil and human rights.  

Rude Pundit:
Conscience clauses when it comes to things like this are just impositions of one's religion on others. Do your fucking job. If you can't do your fucking job properly, find another fucking job. If your bullshit beliefs are going to prevent you from fulfilling basic duties, then get the fuck out of the public sector. Go work for a church. Just stay away from people who might need you to shut the fuck up and do the job. Conservatives like to talk about "special rights" for different groups. An exclusion from the duties of your profession is pretty much the picture book definition of "special rights."

It ain't just religion. In Carlisle, Pennsylvania, a school nurse refused to assist a middle school student and threw the girl out of her office. The girl's crime? She didn't stand during the Pledge of Allegiance, the loyalty oath students around the country are asked to recite every morning at their indoctrination center schools. Except, interestingly enough, the Pledge is voluntary, and the nurse is being investigated for abiding by her patriotic conscience. So there is a line.

When it comes to religion, though, that line is being erased. We are not far from just letting shit burn.

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