Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Bye-Bye Jamie: Acknowledging Obamacare Just Killed Comer's Gubernatorial Chances

You've drifted into Reality World, my boy, and the conservatard base will declare you UNCLEAN!

Sam Youngman at the Herald:
While proclaiming President Barack Obama's health care law "the worst piece of legislation in my lifetime," Kentucky gubernatorial candidate James Comer unveiled a health care policy platform Monday that assumes "Obamacare" will be the "rule of law" for the next governor.

Two of Comer's opponents — former U.S. Senate candidate Matt Bevin and recently retired state Supreme Court Justice Will T. Scott — have said they would end Kentucky's state-run health insurance exchange, Kynect, on their first day in office.

Although Comer described Kynect as a "tool to greatly expand Medicaid," he stopped short of calling for its demise. Doing so probably would increase costs for Kentucky taxpayers, the state's commissioner of agriculture said at a news conference packed with health care executives.
Ah, there it is:  "packed with health care executives."  The ones whose profits depend on the Affordable Care Act surviving and thriving.  The ones who will not be writing campaign checks to candidates who swear to destroy Obamacare.

But can even corporate money overcome Comer's apostasy?  The primary election is May 19.  Stay tuned.

Read more here: http://www.kentucky.com/2015/03/30/3776393/comer-breaks-with-field-on-obamacare.html#storylink=cpy

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