Tuesday, March 10, 2015

AynRandy is a Coward

Yes, the Tribble-Toupeed One is so sure he is going to be the repug nominee for Sacrificial Lamb to President Hillary Clinton that he is clinging like the infantile coward he is to the job he already has.
Wassamatta, boy? Pretending to be a real doctor not a lucrative enough job for you?

From the Courier:
The Kentucky Republican Party's Executive Committee gave preliminary approval Saturday to U.S. Sen. Rand Paul's request to hold a presidential caucus in 2016 rather than a primary election.

The move would rescue Paul from the consequences of a state law that could have prevented him from seeking both the presidential nomination and renomination for his Senate seat simultaneously.
"I just want to be treated like many other candidates around the country who have not been restricted (from running for two offices at the same time)," Paul said in an interview.

The party's central committee will be asked to formally adopt a more specific plan in August after a committee of 13 people create a detailed proposal that will likely address issues like ballot security, absentee voting and cost of a caucus, which must be borne by the party.

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